Use Case

Efficiently Managing Technicians for Prompt Incident Response

Aurélie manages several properties and has a problem with one of the heating systems. She contacts Alex's maintenance company for help. Alex, the dispatcher, quickly logs into Logifleet360° to find the fastest way to assist her.

The Fastest Way To Assist

Finding the nearest technician

Alex starts by checking where the nearest available vehicle is. To do this, he either types the name of a geozone or an address into the route planner. A small pop-up appears, and Alex clicks on the proximity search. This feature allows him to find the closest technician to Aurelie's location.



Communicating accurate arrival time to the customer

Alex further refines his search by using filters to select only the maintenance and repair teams. The results show the nearest technicians and their estimated travel time. This is possible because journey optimizer and the proximity search are considering traffic information when the option "Specify arrival time" is used. Alex identifies the closest technician and informs Aurélie that they can arrive at her location in 33 minutes.


Communicating accurate arrival time to the customer

Route planning

Alex also plans the technician’s day using the route planner. He starts by adding the depot as the starting point and includes 45 minutes for preparing materials. He then schedules visits to Aurélie’s place and other customers. He might even include a stop at a garage to pick up tools.


Route planning

Optimizing journey

After setting the technician's schedule, Alex clicks on ‘Optimize’ in the route planner. Alex can see the optimized route on a live map, which shows the total kilometers and travel time.


Optimizing journey

This comprehensive planning ensures that the technician’s day is well-organized, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. With this system, Alex can efficiently manage the company's resources, providing quick and reliable service to customers like Aurélie.

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